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Delta Academic Objectives - Writing Skills, Teacher's Book

Delta Academic Objectives: Writing Skills B2-C1, βιβλίο καθηγητή.
Βιβλίο προετοιμασίας για παραγωγή ακαδημαϊκού λόγου.

20,25 € 22,50 € -10%
με ΦΠΑ


Delta Academic Objectives: Writing Skills has been written to prepare students for academic writing, placing emphasis not only on developing strong academic writing skills but also on continued language development through five main areas:

Structure and organisation, Critical thinking, Using the text, Language focus and Evaluating writing.

Structure and organisation activities develop students’ skills in planning, organising, structuring and revising their essays.

Critical thinking activities teach students to engage critically, constantly challenging and questioning the ideas of others.

Using the text activities show students how to strengthen and support their opinions using their research and other sources.

Language focus activities develop students’ knowledge of the lexis typical of academic texts and enable them to transfer this knowledge into their writing.

Evaluating writing activities help students to act upon and incorporate feedback into their future writing.

The teacher's book contains all the notes for the student's book. It contains the aims of each activity and the rationale behind each topic covered. Teachers are also provided an answer key plus additional teaching ideas.

Key features:

  • written for students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level
  • themes relate to a wide range of common academic subject fields
  • topics are both academic and common to everyday life, thus accessible to all students
  • contains two revision units
  • contains a section of exercises to practice vocabulary in the Academic Word List
  • is supported by online resources consisting of a bank of longer texts and accompanying activities to help develop students’ reading into writing skills